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Speaker Denton Vows Parliament’s Protection Of Human Rights

Mariam Jack Denton
The Speaker of the National Assembly

By Landing Ceesay

The Speaker of the parliament vowed that her institution would stay true to the course of justice and the protection of human rights.

Speaker Jack-Denton made the remarks at the two-day training by the National Human Rights Commission for the National Assembly Standing Committee on Constitutional and Human Rights Matters.

“We are always very delighted for such an engagement with the National Human Rights Commission. Although the commission is answerable to the National Assembly, particularly to the committee, we take pride in its existence, as a result of the legislative enactment in 2017. The subject of Human Rights is very dear to our hearts and as a committee, we vow to stay true to the course of justice and the protection of human rights,” Mariam Jack Denton, said.

She added that the National Assembly, particularly, its Human Rights Committee has a special role in the promotion and protection of human rights.

For his part, Emmanuel Joof, Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) said the committee plays a vital role in ensuring the constitutional and fundamental rights of the people are respected, protected and fulfilled.

“The Committee, therefore, plays a pivotal role in ensuring that our constitutional and fundamental rights and freedoms are respected, protected and fulfilled by the state and its agents and that the international commitments of the state are translated into national realities through domestication into our national better laws enforcement,” Mr Joof said.

The two-day training lasted from 15th to 16th October 2021 at the National Assembly complex in Banjul.

The training aimed to equip members of the committee on constitutional and human rights issues.

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