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Press Statement on the International Day of the Girl Child

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Madi Jobarteh, Founder EF Small Center for Rights and Justice

Remove Barriers. Empower Girls.

The Edward Francis Small Centre for Rights and Justice joins the world in marking the International Day of the Girl Child under the theme, ‘Girls’ vision for the future’. October 11 was designated as the day of the girl child in 2011 by a UN General Assembly Resolution. The Day seeks to recognize girls’ rights, and the unique challenges girls face around the world.

Indeed, in the Gambia, like the rest of the world, girls face daunting challenges. But Gambian girls like millions of their fellow girls across the world have refused to be defined, limited or submit to these challenges. Rather Gambian girls have resolved with courage and strength to confront these barriers to prove their strength, worth and dignity. One of the incontrovertible pieces of evidence of their resilience, courage and determination is found in this year’s GABECE results in which out of the 88 students who obtained Aggregate 6, fifty six are girls!

On this occasion, the EF Small Centre therefore calls for the removal of all social, cultural, economic and political obstacles against girls. We call on families, communities, businesses, the Government, CSOs and indeed all stakeholders to take deliberate and instrumental steps to protect and empower girls with knowledge, tools and hope bearing in mind that “a girl with a dream becomes a woman with a vision”.

In celebration of the Day, we wish to leave you with these powerful International Day of the Girl Child quotes to inspire and encourage our girls and all stakeholders to understand the meaning and value of empowering the girl child.

“Empower a girl today, change the world tomorrow.”

“Every girl has the right to dream, the power to achieve, and the courage to change the world.”

“A girl is not a statistic; she is a force of nature, full of potential.”

“Investing in girls is investing in a brighter, more equal future.” 

“Let’s create a world where every girl is safe, educated, and empowered.” 

“She is not just a daughter or a sister, she is the future.” 

“When we lift up girls, we lift up entire communities.” 

“Girls are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the change-makers of today.” 

“Educate a girl, empower a generation.”

“To educate a girl is to give her the power to change her world.”


Madi Jobarteh

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