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President Barrow’s Remark Regarding Madi Jobarteh Spark Intense Reactions.

Madi Jobarteh , Human Rights Activist.

By Landing Ceesay

Gambians both at home and abroad went on social media platforms to condemn President Adama Barrow’s Koriteh remarks against Human Rights activist Madi Jobarteh.

In his meeting with the Banjul Muslim Elders, Supreme Islamic Council, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jammat. President Barrow said Madi Jobarteh, wants to set the country on fire but his government will handle him.

After this statement by the Gambian President, several Gambians including activists and Journalists used various social media platforms to condemn the President.

Coach Pa Samba Jaw, an activist and re-known social commentator said It is quite disgusting for the president to single out Madi Jobarteh for threats.

He said the citizens denounce the president’s vile threats against Madi.

“The outlandish claim by President Barrow that Madi wants to set the country ablaze is absolutely disconcerting. By Barrow’s utterances today, we all know the origin of that ridiculous Drammeh intimidation letter to Madi.

“Gambians must brace themselves for a government determined to return us to the days of dictatorship. When Barrow openly said that his government must deal with Madi, he has in essence threatened Madi’s rights and liberties. It will be foolhardy for people to take Barrow’s statement as idle talk. He is determined to crush all his opponents.
Barrow and his clique must understand that no amount of vile threats will stop us from holding you and the government accountable. If you cannot stand the criticisms, resign,” he said.

Kebba Jeffang, an award-winning Journalist working for Malegen said he is disappointed to the core.

“I must say I’m utterly disappointed to the core that the president who the citizens have elected, paid monthly which excludes his feeding, allowances, healthcare, family care, etc. would identify only one citizen among more than two million citizens and labeled him as an enemy of the state and that he’ll be tackled simply because he holds you accountable. Scary!

“I watched it in full and I was wondering whether he thinks he owns this country. Unreservedly, I have since held that these remarks are a threat to the life of Madi Jobarteh and the journalists who would continue to give Madi the platform. This threat is beyond Madi, and all journalists and civil society members are included as he clearly mentioned them,” Jeffang said.

Tukulorr Sey, an activist, and social commentator also said Barrow is sending a message to law enforcement that Madi must be silenced.

“On a day when he is supposed to talk about unity and reconciliation, Adama Barrow chose to BULLY Madi Jobarteh for standing against his INEPTITUDE, CORRUPT GOVERNMENT, AND BLATANT DISREGARD FOR HUMAN RIGHTS!! He stood there huffing and puffing!!! Barrow is sending a message to law enforcement that Madi must be silenced. BEGINNING TODAY, MADI JOBARTEH’S LIFE IS IN DANGER!!!! If that isn’t a sign of dictatorship, I don’t know what is???

“We all saw Yahya Jammeh stand at a podium, saying he will bury Mandinkas, and Gambians clapped for him!!! Today, Barrow TARGETED Madi Jobarteh and the same Gambians who should know better, clapped for him,” Sey said.

Hatab Fadera, Media Design and Communications Strategist said Every Gambian must be concerned and forcefully condemn the scathing attack launched against the person of Rights Activist Madi Jobarteh by no less a person than the Head of State.

“Before the country’s religious leaders, President Adama Barrow dishonestly and misguidedly branded the activist as an arsonist whose only interest is to render the country unstable or set it ablaze. The Head of State went as far as wondering why the media continue to give such a person a platform. The crux, and the most alarming part of this presidential threat, is Barrow’s declaration that his government will tackle Madi. By making this statement, the Head of State has declared Madi an official State enemy,” he said.

Fadera further stated that this statement by the Gambian President is not only outrageous but abominable, coming from a supposedly democratic leader presiding over a supposedly democratic dispensation, in a civilized society.

“The tone, the demeanor, the arrogance, the composure, the energy, and the anger with which the Head of State exhibited these threats shows he probably has a premeditated plan against Madi. Gambians must rise and say enough, Mr. President,” he said.

Nyima Saidy, a supporter of President Barrow’s ruling party said she strongly condemn his statement and wishes the Gambian President never make those statements against Madi.

“The Gambia is a democratic nation and before making such comments you should always remember that you are occupying the most important office on No.1 Marina Parade and so long as you are the president, you should be prepared for such from people/parties that are so critical of you and your government,” she said.

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