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PDOIS seeks clarification on purported amendment of coalition agreement

Halifa Sallah

People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism has written to the co-chair of the Coalition 2016 seeking clarification on the claimed extension of the mandate of the Gambian leader Adama Barrow.

Fatoumatta Jallow Tambajang is a former Gambian vice president who represented the Gambian civil society in the coalition that dethroned former Gambian leader Yahya Jammeh.

Barely a week ago, Jallow led a delegation from several coalition parties to State House to meet President Adama Barrow. After the meeting, the former vice president claimed they have agreed to extend the term of President Barrow from 3 years to a 5-year term.

The Gambian leader has campaigned on a mandate of 3-year transition. He told voters he would resign and organize fresh election after leading the country for 3 years. But he now says he would end the term.

Barrow’s change of mind occasioned the establishment of a movement call 3 years jotna which is calling for his resignation in December.

However, two key partners of the coalition, PDOIS and the United Democratic Party, were not represented at the State House meeting.

On Tuesday, the UDP issued a statement informing its supporters that they were not part of the coalition meeting that extended the mandate of the Gambian leader. And on Wednesday, the PDOIS published a letter they have written to Jallow Tambajang seeking clarification on the extension of the mandate of Barrow.

“The media houses have been approaching PDOIS for explanation whether the text of an amendment to the 17th October 2016 Coalition agreement had been agreed upon
and signed by coalition partners. We are not aware of the crafting and signing of any text purporting to be an amendment to the original text signed by Coalition partners and
are therefore finding it difficult to give accurate information to the media, on the subject matter,” said the secretary general of the PDOIS Halifa Sallah.

“It should therefore be highly appreciated if you would clarify whether any document purporting to be an amended version of the coalition agreement has been signed. If
such a document exists please forward it to us before Monday, 7 October 2019, when we intend to issue a Press Release on the matter.”

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