Opening Of The Legal Year 2022
Chief Justice
This year, the Judiciary will be holding its annual ceremony marking the Opening of The Legal Year on Sunday the 6th February 2022. The annual event is a time when the Judiciary takes stock and reflects on the challenges and the way forward in ensuring the dispensation of quality justice.
The activities marking the legal year will commence on Sunday 6th of February 2022, with a ceremony at the law court complex in Independent Drive Banjul under the leadership of His Lordship the Chief Justice, the Hon. Justice Hassan B. Jallow. The legal year will be opened by His Excellency President Adama Barrow. There will be speeches by the Hon. Chief Justice, the Hon. Attorney General and the President of The Gambia bar. The occasion will be graced by numerous dignitaries including the Vice President, Speaker of the National Assembly, cabinet ministers, and members of the diplomatic corps.
There will be a series of activities from the 7th to 11thof February to commemorate the occasion. These include a Call to Bar ceremony for graduates of the Gambia Law School on Monday, a meeting of the Chief Justice, Minister of Justice and Minister of Regional Government and Lands with the Presidents of the District Tribunals and Regional Governors.
This will be followed by two days training session for judges and magistrates on sentencing guidelines at a meeting of the Sentencing Council and a one-day conference on women children and the law, which is designed to discuss the challenges that women and children face in contact with the law justice system.
It is expected that the condition will contribute to bridging groups in the law, improving the machinery of justice, and strengthening the capacity of justice sector staff and building Links Corporation with stakeholders in the Justice process.
Source: Office of the Chief Justice
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