MC Cham Jr. Expresses “Fervent” Disappointment Over NPP-CA Partnership
GDC National Youth President
By Buba Gagigo
The National Youth President, Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC), MC Cham Jr. has expressed his “fervent” disappointment over the recent partnership by the National People’s Party (NPP) and Citizens’ Alliance (CA).
“I write to register my fervent disappointment over the partnership between Citizen Alliance and National People’s Party because many have seen Citizens’ Alliance in the early days of their activities as a party founded on principles, democracy, honesty, transparency and accountability in the pursuit and defence of the nation’s interest,” he said.
MC Cham Jr. said the relationship between the government and those they governed is in a “bad state”, as every decision taken by the government resulted in hardships on the Gambian populace.
“We have seen politicians hiding behind the statement that their decision is based on “national interest”, which is far-fetched from the reality as we have seen others who wanted to correct the system for the greater good of Gambians were shown the red card. This begged the question of a party (NPP) who secured landslide victory in the Presidential election, what would it need Citizens’ Alliance for?” he asked.
The young politician accused President Barrow of corruption and deceit that posed the “downfall” of The Gambia.
“The government encompasses bad governance with a variety of corruption, (and) deceit that pose the downfall of this country. The country is on its knees and because it is a failed state. Barrow doesn’t have the political will to resurrect this country, as he championed its downfall with his men and women in suit.
“I believe in principled politics, where I endorse a government that is ready to change the status quo of the country, and it is unfortunate that the Barrow led government has no interest in providing solutions to our Day-to-day problems. Gambians wake up every day with less hope about this government, because their hopes are being dashed away. I can’t be part of a system that has no interest to fight for her people, but rather a system where a few continue to enrich themselves at the detriment of the poor people,” he continued.
Cham recalled that CA joined the political fray with strong promises of good governance, transparency and accountability.
“Sadly, we have seen recently how greed finally led to the compromise of their own principles. Gambians are expecting Citizens’ Alliance to at least save the little dignity in that leadership to be opened with the public on their partnership agreement with NPP,” he said.
The GDC member considered it inappropriate, for Dr. Ismaila Ceesay as someone who went wild against Barrow and called him with all sorts of names abandoned his genuine cause to hold its government to account.
“If Dr. Ceesay was honest to his principles and considering the 100s of students whom he taught on responsible leadership, and (who) look up to him should warrant him to resign from the leadership than championing a disgrace act to tie the knots between his party and NPP,” Cham Jr said.
The GDC National Youth Presidentcalled on members of the CA who are still with the same conviction that President Barrow’s government doesn’t have what it takes to develop this country, to stay loyal to their cause and know that they are among the majority of Gambians who still hope for a better day for The Gambia.
“The NPP is in coalition with many parties, and we have seen how their integrity and honesty are being buried: and today the same people are with the no care attitude about Gambia. Dr. Ceesay is lost, and has finally given up on his dream for The Gambia, but one thing for sure is, where he gave up is where we still believe for a brighter day for The Gambia,” he expressed.
MC finally urged the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to look into the electoral law as many parties in The Gambia deserved to be deregistered.
“They didn’t meet one of the laws that requires all parties to have regional bureaus and almost all of those parties are in merger with the NPP,” he concluded.
However, the leader of Citizens’ Alliance (CA) has described the partnership with the National People’s Party (NPP) “best interest” of The Gambia.