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Ismailia Ceesay And His Shameless Lies Again- Alagie Saidy Barrow

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Dr. Ismaila Ceesay Minister of Information and Alagie Saidy Barrow Former TRRC Lead Investigator

Opinion By Alagie Saidy Barrow

Apparently, I have managed to get under the skin of Ismaila Ceesay, and given that he claims he doesn’t respond to little people like me, this time he felt the need to because I mentioned him by name. If one doesn’t know any better, Ismaila would have you believe that this is the first time I mentioned the clown by name. I started mentioning his name when he started facing the nation and spreading bald-faced lies. Listening to Ismaila further tell more lies today, you could hear the anger in his voice and I must admit, I actually felt sorry for him. It must be a miserable life for one to be unable to survive without being a liar and prostitute for politicians!

Typical of stooges who prostitute themselves for the highest-paying clients, Ismaila resorted to lying as usual in trying to besmirch my reputation. He couldn’t address the issues I raised, so he defaulted to his factory setting: telling lies! Unfortunately for Ismaila, he will go down in history as one of Gambia’s worst liars! Liars are supposed to have good memories, but this clown can’t even remember what he said yesterday.

Let’s delve into his lies: He said I was one of the masterminds of the December 30th attack on Yaya Jammeh and when my friends came to State House, I ran away and left them to get killed. You’d think Ismaila was present during all this! It’s what they whisper to each other within their raping, murdering, and thieving APRC/NPP gang. Ismaila should go and read the NIA report on December 30th or read Cherno Njie’s book. If he hadn’t turned himself into a psychopathic liar, he could have called Cherno Njie to get the facts since he has the man’s number. Better yet, he can go and listen to Modou Njie’s testimony at the TRRC. But if that’s all too much for him, he should contact Musa Sarr or Dawda Bojang. He would come face to face with his shameless lies because all these individuals were present and knew where I was on the night of December 30! At the time, he may have been busy selling drugs in Sweden or abusing the welfare system in Scotland so he should shut his filthy mouth because he knows nothing about that night.

Second lie: He said I came to Adama Barrow for a job! I have never met Adama Barrow in my life and I have never ever communicated to him about a job! Ismaila should check again with his sources because either they lied to him or he is pulling things from his behind to make them stick. Importantly, I never knew Adama Barrow was the hiring manager at the TRRC or that he was giving people jobs there. No Ismaila, you should be grateful to Adama Barrow and the late Badara Joof who helped bring you into the fold. Unlike prostitutes like Ismaila Ceesay, I am skilled enough to earn a living without having to prostitute myself to politicians! Adama Barrow never gave me a job and I have never sought any job, favor, or anything whatsoever from him. For a so-called minister to go on national radio and just keep lying tells you how low our country is sinking by the day!

He said I never completed my job at the TRRC! I didn’t stay until the end of the TRRC. And that is because, unlike hapless and unprincipled people like Ismaila Ceesay, I live and die by my principles. When I wasn’t satisfied with the transitional justice process, I tendered my resignation; something a coward and stooge like Ismaila can never contemplate since he has no principle to guide him outside of being a prostitute to politicians! What my team and I accomplished at the TRRC in a year of work, Ismaila will never accomplish in a lifetime if he continues to prostitute himself as he’s currently doing.

He said during the time of Jammeh, I never used my real name to write: Another lie! While he was busy selling drugs and manipulating the welfare system in Scotland, some of us were standing by our suffering people on whose backs his shameless self is leeching today. Tell Ismaila to go and check the archives of Gambia L and search for my name. I not only used my name, but I indicated where I lived and still visited Gambia whenever I wanted to. My use of the Eden Sharp moniker has nothing to do with Jammeh. But I am glad Ismaila was a keen follower of mine as he told me in one of our conversations. This was at a time when he thought I was an asset to the nation! Because I called him out for his lies today, I guess I’m no longer an asset! Such a duplicitous chatracter. Additionally, when my name was mentioned to join his party, I guess then he didn’t know I was a coward or that I was ungrateful because he never revealed that to his fellow CA members. Thankfully, I realized very early on that the party was led by a duplicitous idiot and decided not to have anything to do with them.

Here is some news for you Ismaila Ceesay. As long as you continue to be a bottom feeder who shamelessly comes out lying to the public simply because you want to enjoy the prostitution you have chosen as a vocation, I will be here to call you out on it. If you don’t like that, then stop lying and being a bottom feeder! Be a man and be honest in your dealings with people. Grow a spine and have some principles besides being a toy boy. If you do that, I’ll gladly leave you alone. Until then, acha faadal…

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