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Gov’t places lien on properties of Amadou Samba, others


Gambia government has placed a temporary restriction on the properties of 14 companies and individuals indicted by an inquiry into the financial transactions of country’s former president Yahya Jammeh.

The Janneh Commission released on Friday has found that the former president has stolen billions of dalasis of state resources.

The 1600-page report has indicted President Jammeh for theft of over a billion dalasi and over 304 million Dollars; over 29 million Euros, and over 2 million Pounds Sterling. Several individuals and companies were accused to have aided and abetted the loot.


“A lien shall be immediately placed on the properties of the following persons until further notice: Amadou Samba; Tarek Musa; Fadi Mazegi; Illija Reymond; Martin Keller; Nicolae Buziainu; Dragos Buziainu; Ali Youssef Sharara; Woreh Njie Ceesay; Tony Ghattas; Feryale Diab Ghanem; Trust Bank Ltd; Guaranty Trust Bank (Gambia) Ltd and M.A. Kharafi and Sons,” said Justice Minister Abubacarr Tambadou on Monday.

A lien is a form of security interest granted over an item of property to secure the payment of a debt or performance of some other obligation. The Government released it plan of action with the report earlier today.

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