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GIA Managing Director Discloses that Ground Handling Generated a Total Revenue of D145.062M in 2021

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Numo k Sanneh, The Managing Director Of The Gambia International Airline

By Ramatoulie Jawo 

Numo K Sanneh, the Managing Director of The Gambia International Airline, shared with the National Assembly Standing Committee on Public Enterprise Committee that ground handling in 2021 achieved remarkable success, generating a total revenue of D145.062M. 

“Ground handling activities which include Ramp Handling Passenger Handling and Coach Services in 2021 generated a total revenue of D145.062M which is 98% of the total turnover,” he said. 

Comparing the 2021 revenue of D145.062M to the previous year’s figure of D91.934M reveals an impressive 58% rise. This surge can be attributed to the positive impact of the resumption of flights into Banjul, contributing to the increased demand for Ground Handling activities.

Furthermore, the cargo segment contributed D3.064M to the total turnover, accounting for approximately 2%. Notably, there was a noteworthy 52% increase in cargo revenue in 2021 compared to 2020, primarily driven by the reduction in the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The resumption of global air travel and the renewal of the Regulated Agency for Third World countries (RA3) Certification played pivotal roles in this growth.

“Comparatively, the cargo revenue generated in 2021 signifies a 52% rise from the previous year 2020, which was D2.02M. This increment can be attributed to the decrease in the COVID-19 Pandemic effect which eventually resulted in resumption of flights into Banjul and air travel across the globe as well as renewal of our Regulated Agency for Third World countries (RA3) Certification,” 

The RA3 Certification, allowing cargo handling entities in Third World countries to ship cargo to and through EU member countries, underscores the international scope of the airline’s operations.

Revealing the financial performance, MD Sanneh highlighted an operating profit before tax of D11,042M for the year 2021. This represents a significant turnaround from the previous year, where the company recorded an operating loss before tax of D8,044M. Adjusting for interest receivable and payable, as well as corporation tax, the profit after tax for 2021 stood at D1,148M, a notable improvement compared to the loss of (D12.962M) in 2020.

“In the previous year the company recorded an operating loss before tax of D8, 044M adjusting the Profit and loss Account for interest receivable and payable and corporation tax in 2021, the profit after tax was D1, 148M compared to the loss of (D12.962M) in 2020,” he highlighted. MD Sanneh acknowledged the unprecedented challenges of 2021, mainly driven by the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the company’s revenue base. Despite these challenges, the year demonstrated above-average performance compared to 2020.

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