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GDC Calls For The Immediate Removal Of Senegalese Forces In Foni

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Hon. Mama Kandeh, Secretary General and Party Leader GDC.

Following the recently reported killings of Gambians in the Foni-Cassamance border areas, the Gambia Democratic Congress, GDC, is calling for the immediate removal of Senegalese forces from Foni. Below is the full text of their Press Release.

10th December, 2022

Press Release


The Gambia Democratic Congress condemns the Senegalese brutal presence in Foni and we call for a peaceful and just resolution as well as an end to the loss of human lives and displacement of people. Today we are greeted with the deaths of three (3) people in Foni while the other one is fighting for his life at Ndemban Clinic. The maltreatment meted on the people of Foni by the Senegalese Force is a severe tragedy in this country.

The restless ongoing in Foni has no justification as they are held hostage in their own land. The brutal killings and the used of extreme force in the native of Foni cannot be watched to continue most especially when they held bent to torment them.

The Presence of the Senegalese Force lack the legal basis as no international agreement was reached and the constitutional requirements to make the agreement to stand.

The Senegalese Force should have been an instrumental force in our Security Sector Reform but to our dismay it is undermining our security. As a party, we do not have anything against the Senegalese people but we cannot condone seeing our people being subjected to a very terrible state.

We have been so much diplomatic with our relationship with this government since it came in 2017, but no regards has been giving to our concerns. We have reached at a level where we are calling for the concerted efforts of all political parties, Press groups, civil societies, EU, ECOWAS, AU, UN for the immediate removal of the Senegalese Force in Foni.

It has never been part of our way as a party, but at this juncture we will no longer fold our hands and watch other citizens killing our brothers with no reason at all.

Why should the CDS and Minister of Defence allow the Senegalese Force to operating independently in the Foni area without being oversee by any security institution? The activities of the Senegalese Force should have been a join operation with the Gambian soldiers in order to monitor their operation in the interest of peace for all Gambians.

I call on the Minister of Defence and the government to take stiff steps as the presence of the Senegalese Force has no interest to us, as it is only resulting to the killing and torture of our people.

The magnitude of damage is immense and still increasing as the people of Foni are being killed. The suffering of the people of Foni should be a moral challenge to all Gambians and to the government to protect their lives and properties.

We would continue to register our fervent solidarity with the people of Foni during these trying times.

Finally, I extend my sincere prayers and condolence to the bereaved families and pray for the loss souls to be granted Jannah.

Thank you

Hon. Mamma Kandeh
(GDC Party Leader and Secretary General).

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