I’m glad that Majority of the lawmakers seem to be supporting the Draft though that majority does not seem to be enough. A small but significant minority can cause damage. We’ve still not heard a good number of NAMs taking the floor to express their position. A couple of them declared their positions against it but folks can still reach out to them, lobby to have them change position. Call your Representatives and exert pressure. It happens all over the place, and it’s acceptable. NAMs must not see that to be coercion. Constituents have one weapon on threat against their elected representatives – ‘if you do (not) do this, we’ll withdraw our support’. And that’s very legitimate. So go lobby and pressure. I know how my NAM will vote cos he’s accepted to align with the aspirations of the majority of his constituents. Find out about yours!
A Constitution is a Legal, Political and Social instrument so it’s very natural that [partisan] politics will play a part in this. Again, that’s normal.
The ‘let’s see national interest’ line in our discourses have taken a back seat in the all too important Draft Constitution debate cos it’s reserved for the UDP. We all know the bloc that we suspect may be working on scuttling the efforts and on whose behalf. Let’s not relent. Reach out.
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