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EFSCRJ Receives the Investigation Report of the Fire Incident at the Ministry of Fisheries Report in 2019

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On 14 October 2024, EFSCRJ wrote to six public institutions to request for information in line with the Access to Information Act 2021. The Act gives right to citizens to access public information in the custody of public bodies. Section 6(1) of the Act states that, “Every public body shall create, keep, organize and maintain its information in a manner which facilitates access to information, as provided in this Act”.  

Upon receipt of a request for information, the public body has 21 days to reply, either to grant or refuse the information with explanation. Four months ago, EF Small Centre wrote to the following institutions requesting information on various issues: 

  1. Office of the President 
  2. Ministry of Lands, Regional Governments and Religious Affairs 
  3. Ministry of Fisheries and Water Resources 
  4. Gambia Tourism Board 
  5. Gambia Ports Authority 
  6. State-Owned Enterprises Commission 

Today, 30 January 2025, the Ministry of Fisheries responded to our request by submitting the full investigation report and the legal opinion on the fire incident that engulfed the Ministry on 2nd December 2019.  

While appreciating the submission of the report, we note with grave concern that the Ministry has failed to comply with the Access to Information Act. We will review the document and share our position with the public in due course. We will also scan the whole document to share with the public. It is regrettable that this document was not shared with the public until today. 

A fire incident in any public building or premises is a legitimate public matter for which citizens have a right to know the circumstances and the cause of the incident, the extent of damage and its impact and the determination of who or what was responsible. We will therefore share this report with the public to have direct access.  

In the meantime, EFSCRJ is determined to ensure that laws are upheld and enforced by public institutions and officials. For that matter, we will not hesitate to take legal action against any public institution and official for breaking the law.  

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