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Closed Circuit: The Gambia Needs Leadership Now

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W.H.O. has issued a global alert against four cough syrups that are linked to the death of 66 children in the Gambia. While there’s much blame to go around (Medical Control, regulators, MOH, license renters, etc.), I expect the MOJ-AG Chambers to champion the cause to bring justice.

In the United States, AGs of several states took the fight to big pharma during the opioid crisis. They investigated the matter, and filed civil suits against the defendants. And where there is evidence of criminal liability, they did not hesitate to act.

But the deafening silence from MOJ in this matter and many past issue that would require any reasonable chief law enforcement officer of any nation to act, make me wonder what exactly do we task our state attorneys and their bosses to do for us.

Except for prosecuting would be petty criminals (stealing phones & livestocks) and some GBV cases, it’s like they’ve abdicated their responsibilities to protect the very society that employed them.

If the government would not act due to—apparent conflict or the fix is in—the Bar Association should galvanize and institute a class action on behalf of all plaintiffs here. Finally, it’s this type of conduct that the Constitution contemplates a private criminal prosecution.

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