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Opinion and Essay
In Solidarity With Voice Newspaper: A Response to President Barrow’s Legal Threats
Omar Saibo Camara, FactCheck Gambia
By Omar Saibo Camara
I condemn, in the strongest terms, President Barrow’s legal threats against The Voice Newspaper. It is with great concern that I write this to…
Cement Crisis and State Capture- Dr. Ousman Gajigo
Dr. Ousman Gajigo, Economist formerly with ADB
By:Dr. Ousman Gajigo
In the most recent official announcement concerning the cement crisis, the government indicated that they would…
Salary Reduction For NAWEC Staff- Wither Fairness And Justice?
Demba Ali Jawo, Former Minister Of Information
The report of the Commission on State-Owned Enterprises which was submitted to President Adama Barrow on Wednesday contained some quite unprecedented recommendations,…
Dr. Ousman Gajigo
By Dr. Ousman Gajigo
The Gambia is not ready to host the OIC event. This fact should be obvious to anyone. To see this clearly, we should consider all the components that should constitute a…
State of the Nation: Dire and Ominous!
Madi Jobarteh, Human Rights Activist
In a Republic, the sole function of the State is to protect the rights and fulfill the needs of citizens. This is what the Constitution establishes in Section…
The Ferry Disaster- Dr. Ousman Gajigo
Dr. Ousman Gajigo, Economist formerly with ADB
By: Dr. Ousman Gajigo
The recent ferry malfunction that stranded hundreds of passengers for hours and took them kilometers…
Time to stop the manmade disaster in Sudan
Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission and Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management.
How Concerned Is Government For The Safety Of Gambian? – D. A Jawo
Migrants crossing the sea
By D. A. Jawo
The government of the Gambia has clearly demonstrated its apparent lack of concern for the safety and welfare of the people of this country, especially those who…
Corruption and SICPA Contracts Go Together- Dr. Ousman Gajigo
Dr. Ousman Gajigo, Economist formerly with ADB
By Dr. Ousman Gajigo
The government recently announced a contract with a Swiss company called SICPA to help the Gambia…
Is The Gambia Ready To Host The OIC Summit? – By DA Jawo
Demba Ali Jawo, Former Minister of Communications and Information Technology
By D. A. Jawo
There is absolutely no doubt that the local OIC Secretariat has made quite a lot of progress in getting the Gambia ready…