Drug Law Enforcement Agency of The Gambia Spokesperson
By Buba Gagigo
In weekly update, the Drug Law Enforcement Agency, The Gambia (DLEAG) have announced registering twelve cases involving fourteen suspects.
The weekly update catalogues the activities of the agency for the week of 25th to 30th September 2021.
It dwells on seizure statistics relating to the supply, suppression, and awareness creation programme colligated to preventive drug demand reduction.
“Supply suppression relates to interdiction and legal processes in narcotic interdiction. For the reporting period, the agency registered twelve (12) cases involving fourteen (14) suspects. DLEAG’s Siffoe Command arrested one of the suspect in the person [name withheld] with two (2) big bundles of suspected cannabis sativa. He is currently at large while investigation into the matter continues.
“From the twelve registered cases, operatives seized eleven (11) big bundles forty (40) parcels and two hundred and thirty two (232) wraps of suspected cannabis,” DLEAG said in a statement.
This weekly update aims at keeping the populace abreast on latest development at the agency for the week.