Victim Center’s Statement On The April 10/11,2000 Student Demonstrations

Sheriff Kijera Chairman Victim Center

Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the April 10/11 student demonstrations, the day the APRC government under the leadership of the former President, Yaya Jammeh, who,ordered the unlawful execution of 14 students, who were merely protesting for the brutality meted onto their colleagues by some of the security forces, at the time. In the same vein, there were several arrests, detention, physical assault, and torture of several students at different locations, across the country. This unfortunate incident continues to impact on thelives of many Gambians due to the loss of lives and the social implications, such as psychosocial problems and loss of educational opportunities.

During the Truth Commission, a lot of issues concerning how the students were executed and illegally detained were revealed, which gave the victims’ families a clue about the realities of the unfaithful day.  

For more than two decades now, victims of this tragedy continue to be ignored and sidelined by the government of The Gambia, making it extremely difficult to seek for Justice.

As we wait for the Government’s White Paper on the TRRCReport and Recommendations on or before 25 May 2022, we are calling on the government to swiftly implement the TRRC Recommendations without prejudice as justice delayed is justice denied.

We wish to thank the recently concluded Truth Commission for revealing and providing evidence to Gambians, of the atrocities caused by the former government. Also, our sincere thanks go to the United Nations Development Programme and other international partners for their unflinching support in the on-going Transitional Justice Process.

The Victims Center will continue to fight for the rights of Gambians and Non- Gambians to ensure peace, justice, and promote the NEVER AGAIN SLOGAN.

Dated 11th April 2022