By Ramatoulie Jawo
In a press release dated 09 April 2023, the Students’ Union of the University of The Gambia said they have swiftly and pragmatically engaged relevant authorities at the helm of the university to establish the veracity of the concerns making headlines within the university community and beyond.
“As this matter caught the Students’ Union with utter consternation, the Students’ Union swiftly and pragmatically engaged relevant authorities at the helm of the university academic hierarchy to establish the veracity of the concerns making headlines within the university community and beyond.
“Recognizing the fact that the matter is of the utmost delicacy and sensitivity with the potential of tainting the university’s reputation and discrediting the hard-earned certificates and accolades of many decent and industrious students of the university, the Students’ Union took it with utmost seriousness and mounted systematic inquiry into the matter. It is worthy to note that, the University of the Gambia Administration had constituted an investigative panel charged with the responsibility to probe into the matter, and report to the Disciplinary Committee for subsequent action to be taken,” the UTGSU said.
Consequently, the Students’ Union also urges the management to expeditiously conduct the investigation and bring the results to light so that decisive action can be taken.
The Union said they will continue to further engage UTG Management and monitor the investigation process to ensure that nothing is compromised in the whole process of fact-finding.