“The So-called Attempted Coup” – Mama Kandeh Ask Gov’t To Clarify Alleged Coup 

Hon. Mama Kandeh, Secretary General and Party Leader GDC.

By Ramatoulie Jawo 

The Secretary-General and Party Leader of the Gambia Democratic Congress, Hon. Mama Kandeh has asked the government of the Gambia to clarify the alleged attempted coup d’etat to Gambians. 

“The government should come out and clarify the so-called attempted coup. When you asked the government what happened, they will tell you it was based on intelligence reports. Others will tell you it is an attempted coup. They are saying two different things and nobody knows what exactly has happened. So, they should come out and clarify the situation to the people”.

Kandeh further asks “why didn’t the president come out to address citizens on what happened and bring out proof instead of publishing photos of those young soldiers with the rank of a corporal? I can even shoot better than those people you told us attempted a coup d’etat” he said.

The GDC leader says he is not disputing what the government said but he wants them to clear things up with the citizens.

“How can the government announce a coup and you don’t see any military checkpoint, you don’t see any movement, you don’t see anything? Did they want the ECOWAS forces to still stay in the country? Whether the government wants ECOMIG to stay longer or not I don’t know but let them just come out and clarify things to the people.” he said.

Mama Kandeh made these remarks on Saturday at the GDC’S National Congress in Jarra Soma in the Lower River Region. 

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