The Party Leader of UDP Congratulates Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe On Winning the ‘ African Woman of the Year Award 2024’

Mayor Lowe receiving the award in Nairobi, Kenya.

On behalf of the National President Aji Yamundow Jaye Yarboe, the Deputy Secretary- General and Party Leader Aji Mariam Baboucarr Secka, the esteemed Members of the National Executive Committee, the Central Committee. UDP Diaspora Chapters and indeed on behalf of the entire membership of the United Democratic Party I wish to congratulate most heartily Her Worship the Lord Mayor of Banjul the Honorable Rohey Malick Lowe on winning the African Woman of the Year Award 2024.
This is a prestigious honour for Mayor Lowe and the capital city of the republic of the Gambia .
Our great Party wishes to express collective joy, great pride and profound satisfaction with the amazing work and great achievements of the first elected female Mayor of the Gambia’s capital city is doing.
Since her election in May 2018, Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe has been making history at every turn and picking up international awards in recognition of her work as an exceptional Gambian and African leader
The UDP believes that Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe sets an excellent example for girls and young women in the Gambia and Africa. I applaud her as a fine role model, an exemplary leader and a woman of substance who continues to represent the Gambia very well on various platforms on the global stage.
We pray for her continued success in all her assignments and endeavours. Congratulations for an award you richly deserve, Well Done May
God speed and God bless Rohey Malick Lowe.
ANM Ousainu Darboe
Secretary General & Party Leader

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