Support For The Nomination Of Mr Abubacarr Marie Tambedou As Judge Of The International Court Of Justice

Abubacarr Marie Tambedou, Former Attorney General & Minister Of Justice Of The Gambia

On behalf of the United Democratic Party (UDP) and on my own behalf, I join the Gambia Government to express the support of the UDP for the candidature of Mr. Abubacarr Marie Tambadou as Judge of the International Court of Justice.

Mr Tambadou is eminently qualified for the position of judgeship of the International Court of Justice having served at a critical juncture in the history of our nation as the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the Gambia with distinction.

In his capacity as Attorney General Mr. Tambedou was my Cabinet colleague while I served as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Gambians Abroad and later as Vice President of the Gambia. In the two capacities I had the opportunity to work closely with Mr. Tambadou and I can attest to his ability as a lawyer and his deep commitment to the rule of law and his passion for justice.

As the Gambia’s second longest serving legal practitioner I have seen Mr. Tambedou in the early years of his career at the Gambian Bar represent indigent persons in human rights cases pro bono.

It was the same passion for justice that first propelled Mr Tambadou to work for the United Nations Special Tribunal for Rwanda.

Thereafter as Attorney General of the Gambia Mr. Tambadou with complete support of the Gambia Government brought the plight of the Rohingya people to attention of the international community.
For all these reasons I have great confidence that Mr. Tambadou has the experience profile and energy to advance the work of International Court of Justice as a Judge.

Finally I have the honour to commend the Gambia Government for putting forward the candidacy of a Gambian legal luminary with a solid track record for justice in Africa and the world at large and offer my support unreservedly.

Secretary General and Party Leader

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