Saikou Bah, Chairman of the committee
By Ramatoulie Jawo
The National Assembly members adopted the report of the National Assembly Select Committee on Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports on the Intellectual Property Bill, 2023, on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024.
The bill was tabled during the third ordinary session of the National Assembly, 2023 legislative year by the honourable Minister of Justice.
Hon. Saikou Bah, the chairperson of the committee, laid the report before Parliament and said that his committee was tasked with reviewing the IP Bill 2023 and presenting its findings and recommendations to improve its intellectual property frameworks in line with the current best practices.
“The report outlines the committees’ comprehensive analysis and thoughtful suggestions for the improvement of the IP Bill 2023 the Committee engaged in a thorough review process meticulously examining each of the clauses of the Intellectual Bill, 2023, expert opinions and relevant stakeholders were consulted to ensure that a well-informed assessment,” he said.
He stated that the Committee suggests retaining Clauses 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, and 225 in the Bill without any alterations, as outlined in the Bill.
“The Committee recommends that clause 219 be amended to read as the
The tribunal shall consist of a Chairperson who will be appointed by the Chief Justice and Four other Members including a Private Sector Representative appointed by the Minister in consultation with the Judicial Service Commission the Committee recommends that clause 219 stands as part of the Bill as amended,” the chairman said.
He mentioned that the Committee recommends removing the term “Most Favoured Nation Treatment” from the interpretation of Clause 2. Additionally, he stated that the Committee advises retaining Clause 2 in the Bill, incorporating the suggested amendment.
“The Committee recommends that clause 48 be read as at any time before the grant or refusal of a patent an applicant for a patent may upon payment of the prescribed fees Convert instead of Covet his or her application into an application for a utility model certificate which shall be accorded the filing date of the initial application the Committee recommends that clauses 48 stands as part of the Bill as amended,” he said.