President Barrow: “Badara Joof Was Intelligent, Meticulous Administrator & Diplomat” 

President Adama Barrow honoring his Late Vice President.

By Landing Ceesay 

His Excellency Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of the Gambia, said the country’s former Vice President, the late Badara Alieu Joof, was an intelligent and meticulous administrator and diplomat. 

“Those who know his professional career very well would readily confirm that Badara Alieu Joof was an intelligent and meticulous administrator and diplomat, who was firm but flexible, lovable and warm. He had a sharp sense of humour that he often displayed and blended with witty remarks, which made his company delightful. He was honest and blunt. In his own words, he enjoyed telling the truth, with the belief that telling the truth was the right thing to do and the best way to put things together,” he said. 

The Gambian leader said the late Badara had a taste for quotations and was renowned for his eloquence and proficiency in English, a subject he taught at Nusrat Senior Secondary School in the 1980s.  

President Barrow said the Gambia has certainly lost an illustrious son, a national asset and a pillar in Cabinet who contributed constructively to Cabinet proceedings.

President Barrow said his former Vice President was dependable and generously shared his knowledge, experience, and expertise. 

Barrow said In truth, Badara Joof selflessly devoted all his life to the service of his country and to humanity in various ways. 

“In one of his speeches, when he said he did not mind losing his job for telling the truth, he was merely emphasising this principle. Badara was indeed a principled gentleman and could never walk out of any job, nor betray the confidence I reposed in him. 

“Many Gambians looked up to him as an icon, mentor or role model, and he taught or influenced many people, most of whom subsequently rose to occupy very senior and notable positions of authority in the country. As our wise elders would say, a gigantic tree has fallen, and many birds will now find elsewhere to rest,” President Barrow said. 

President Barrow then awarded the late Badara Joof the insignia of Member of the Grand Commander of the Order of The Republic of The Gambia (GCRG).

“In recognition and appreciation of the patriotic service he rendered to the nation, I hereby posthumously award His Excellency, the Vice President of the Republic of The Gambia, Dr. Badara Alieu Joof, the insignia of Member of the Grand Commander of the Order of The Republic of The Gambia (GCRG). With this, Honourable Joof, we bid you farewell with honour. You have departed prematurely, but honourably. Zealously and committedly, we began the march towards 2026 together, unaware that this calamity closely lay ahead. We will continue the march to accomplish our pledge to the nation,” he bids fare well to his former Vice President. 

President Barrow prayed for Badara’s memory to be a source of blessing, strength, and inspiration for the entire nation, including his dear ones, associates, and friends. President Barrow also prayed for Allah to bless Badara’s family, gives them the fortitude and wisdom to complete the work they started together, and admit him to a lofty position in Paradise among the most honoured servants of Allah

“Parting is an inevitable aspect of life, so we must part someday. On behalf of the Government and People of The Gambia, I assure you, Vice President Joof, that your noble footprints are visibly marked on this land already, which history will preserve forever. 

“Fare thee well and remain in Allah’s mercy. When we lay you to rest, we ask that the gentle angels of the Lord receive you most kindly.
Adieu my Honourable Vice President. You carry with you the love, admiration, respect, prayers, and well wishes of the people you sought to serve with frankness and devoted sincerity. Farewell and rest in peace in the highest stations of Janatu-l Firdawsi. We ask this in the Name of the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful Allah. Ameen,” President Barrow concluded. 

The veteran Civil Service and Former Gambian Vice President died on Wednesday in the Republic of India after a brief illness.  

The late Vice President Joof worked under various government institutions as well as International organizations before he was appointed the country’s number two. 

 The late Badara Joof served as Administration Cadre, Assistant Secretary as well as Permanent Secretary in several Government Ministries including the Ministries of Basic and Secondary Education, Youth and Sports, and Local Government, Lands and Regional Administration. 

The Badara Joof worked for the World Bank as an Education Specialist for over a decade. 

Until his appointment as Minister in 2017, Badara was a World Bank Regional Director for West and Central Africa. 

The veteran Educationist and Civil Servant was laid to rest this afternoon at Banjulinding Village after the State Funeral

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