PDOIS Leader
By Landing Ceesay
The People Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) launched its manifesto that aims to eradicate poverty, injustice and ignorance, when elected in the December election.
“The manifesto deals with all the aspects of the development of our country. Fundamentally, it raises the key issues. How did we become the people? The Gambia as a nation did not drop from the sky. The manifesto teaches us that we must know our history in order to know how to develop our country. We are told that this is our country. But the reality is that the external boundaries had never been properly drawn.
“We are saying within six months, we are going to negotiate with the Senegalese government so that we can draw the external boundaries of our country. For 56 years, it (drawing the external boundaries) has not been done, that is when we know what we own. We are saying ownership of a country should mean something. That is why politics is so significant. We became a Republic, but we people were not given the education necessary to know what being a sovereign person is. The manifesto says our primary objective is to ensure the sovereignty of the Republic, but also the sovereignty of the people,” Halifa Sallah said.
The introduction of the PDOIS manifesto recognised that a Sovereign Republic is a community of sovereign citizens who enjoy equal rights, freedoms and are entitled to derive equal benefits from public services, irrespective of place of birth, ethnolinguistic
origin, religion, physical features, philosophy, gender and other demographic characteristics; sovereign persons in whom the sovereignty of the country resides and from whom the authority to manage the affairs of the community must be derived.
The launch of the manifesto took place on Sunday at a local hotel in Senegambia.