Parliament Engages In Intense Debate Over Troop Deployment to Sierra Leone

The Chambers of The Gambia’s National Assembly 

By Ramatoulie Jawo 

National Assembly Members engaged in a heated debate on Tuesday over the deployment of Gambian troops (Motorized Company, 150 troops) to the Republic of Sierra Leone as part of the ECOWAS stabilization force.

The motion was presented by the Vice President of The Gambia, His Excellency, Muhammed B.S. Jallow, on behalf of the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The Vice President emphasized that the deployment aims to support the ECOWAS Joint Operation in restoring peace, security, and stability in Sierra Leone following a recent attempted military coup.

“Whereas we acknowledge the security of the situation in Sierra Leone and recognizing the importance of upholding Democratic principles, stability and regional peace, the president urgently requests the approval of this Assembly for the deployment of Gambia troops to Sierra Leone pursuant to Section 188(4) of the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia,” he added. 

VP Jallow highlighted that recent events in Sierra Leone have revealed a security crisis, culminating in an unconstitutional attempt to seize power. He stressed The Gambia’s commitment to promoting regional peace, stability, and democratic values as an active ECOWAS member.

He noted the Gambian military’s professionalism and dedication to regional peacekeeping missions, as evidenced by their successful participation in previous ECOWAS and UN operations. VP Jallow assured that the deployment would adhere to international law principles, respect for human rights, and the protection of civilian populations.

Hon. Abdoulie Ceesay, the National Assembly member for Old Yundum Constituency, seconded the motion, emphasizing the duty of the men and women in uniform to protect the sub-region. He expressed optimism that the experience gained would benefit them.

“As a Gambian having witnessed the impasse in 2016, the stabilization force we had in The Gambia was brought by ECOWAS to ensure that there is peace and stability in our country. And it is only fair that Gambia as part of the ECOWAS sub-region; if there is trouble in a neighboring country and Gambia can give support, I think that is a very good move for the country,” he said. 

Lamin Ceesay, the National Assembly member for Kiang West, expressed concern over The Gambia’s history of attempted coups and the lack of external troop support during those times. He argued that if Gambian troops are trusted to be deployed abroad, they should also be trusted with the country’s internal security.

“After eight years of political impasse, these are the men and women in uniform that you cannot trust to protect your President. You cannot trust to be in the most important areas of the state house. If you are able to deploy troops to another country, you should bestow trust in them to be able to do that,” he stressed.

He mentioned that multiple times, members have called for the withdrawal of the ECOMIG troops from The Gambia, arguing that they prefer to have their own military personnel in charge of the country’s security.

He added that if the government is confident in the Gambia’s ability to manage external threats, then it is time for the country’s own forces to take over responsibility for internal security.

“Because deploying them is proving how prepared and strong they are. ECOMIG soldiers should leave the country. I want to submit that to my position as a representative of the people, I am not insinuating anything. If the commander in chief trusted the men and women in uniform, let him put them in charge of internal security,” he said. 

The Nominated member, Kebba Lang Fofana, raised a point of order, emphasizing that the motion was about the deployment of troops to Sierra Leone and not about trust issues within the Gambian military. He urged members to focus on the substance of the motion.

“If the member wants to debate on that, he can do it during the adjournment debate, but not now. And I think it is high time to put manners in members. Because you cannot just take the mic and say whatever you want. It must be through a guided approach. Let us debate the substance of this motion. If it takes one thousand points of order, I will raise them today, but we will make sure we only debate on this motion and nothing outside of this,” he said. 

Hon. Seedy SK. Njie, the Deputy Speaker, ruled that the debate should remain focused on the deployment of troops to maintain peace, avoiding comments that could incite violence or distrust in the security forces.

“We must avoid using statements that not only insinuate, but send a wrong signal that members of the security forces of this country are not trusted by the commander in chief of The Gambia Armed Forces. That is not in order, you can put your points across and justify your arguments, but let us not put those things across. The Honorable member for Kiang, I appeal that you not repeat those words again,” he said. 

Hon. Almameh Gibba, the member for Foni Kansala, questioned the strength of the Gambian army if 150 troops could be deployed to Sierra Leone. “If 150 could be gathered to be sent to Sierra Leone, what would be the strength of our army”? He asked

After a heated debate, the motion for the deployment of Gambian troops to Sierra Leone as part of the ECOWAS stabilization force was approved.

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