NA Commence Three Day Pre-Budget Training For Members

Group Of The National Assembly Members At Bakadaji Hotel In Kololi

By Ramatoulie Jawo

The Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly on Saturday commence a Three-Day pre budget training retreat for Members of the National Assembly, gearing up for the fiscal year 2024’s revenue and expenditure debate at a local hotel in Kololi.

the pre-budget training, organized by the National Assembly with support from development partners aims to enhance the knowledge and understanding of parliamentarians on various aspects of the budget process.

The 2024 budget, was presented by the Honourable Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, which is expected to be the focal point of discussion.

Speaking at the opening ceremony Momodou Sise, the clerk of the National Assembly said the focus of the training sessions will be to ensure that the budget is prepared in a fiscally responsible manner where funding sources are clearly stated and measures to cover any fiscal deficits are realistic and will not pose potential shocks.

“This budget analysis training will also gather insights from lessons learnt during the implementation of the Mid Term Expenditure Review Framework with special emphasis on child friendly livelihood systems and social protection programmes as proposed in the 2024 Budget and avail you the Hon. Members the opportunity to better scrutinize the 2024 Budget as well as acquire the relevant skill to monitor implementation of both social, livelihood systems and pro poor friendly programmes intended for 2024.

Mr Sise said the programme will further create room for Hon. Members to critically analyze the measures government intends to initiate in order to address the plight of children, women and vulnerable groups.

“The final goal intends to strengthen the oversight role of the National Assembly and its Committees on the National Budget to deliver an expanded economy or create greater national wealth employment and better livelihoods,” he said.

Raphaël Brigandi, the Political Officer, chargé d’affaires of the EU in The Gambia said One of the components of their new joint CODE project is indeed to provide resources and expertise to further foster the capacities of the National Assembly.

“The National Assembly is endowed with the essential role to initiate and vote laws but also to control the action of the government the Parliament is not only one of the three powers of a democratic State but also the most democratic institution in its very nature as most members are directly elected by the citizens to whom you are accountable,”he said.

He further reaffirmed their commitment to supporting The Gambia in its democratic journey.

FaBakary Tombong Jatta, the Speaker of the National Assembly, emphasized the role of the parliament towards the Budget.

“Our role as parliamentarians is to give the budget a steal of approval after thorough consideration and deliberations this is therefore a great window of opportunity for us as representatives of the public to Harness the required skills and technique to interrogate the budget from the perspective of the poor particularly women and children.As well as ensure its inline with the wider development objective of the government under the leadership of President barrow,” he said.

Speaker Jatta urged the honorable members to take key interest in the presentation that will be delivered and to seek clarification when necessary to ensure they understand the issues,challenges, and opportunities offered by the budget.

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