Mai urges gov’t to do more for frontline workers

Hon Mai Ahmad Fatty
GMC Party Leader

By Arfang M.S. Camara

Mai Ahmad Fatty, leader of the Gambia Moral Congress (GMC) has urged the Gambia government to look into the welfare of the frontline workers most especially public health officers and those under quarantine.

He added that the frontline workers are in jeopardy and their interests are not protected while risking their lives during this situation.

Mai Fatty was speaking to journalists at his office while sharing his experiences during under quarantine.

He added that he had a conversation with many of the frontline workers while under quarantine, adding that some of them even borrowed money to feed their families.

“Ninety percent of them have not seen their families for three weeks or more because they are also quarantined permanently with the quarantined staff,”

He added that there is growing despondent among the frontline workers, noting that there is a need for government and the National Assembly to do something about their welfare.

“These people work in very long hours and paid with peanuts . Most of them borrow money to feed their families back at home.”

He added that: “I am not criticizing the government because they are not doing anything but what is of interest today is to bring out the pride of the people who are sacrificing for our country and are paid D2000 and D3000 a month.”

He revealed that he used the opportunity to speak with all frontline workers so that he could understand exactly what is at stake and not just what they (health ministry) is saying to the media; which he said looks nice but not what is really happening.