“Low Wages Worsen Shortage Of Doctors & Nurses” NA Select Committee On Health

Honorable Abdoulie Ceesay Members For Old Yundum.

By Ramatoulie Jawo

The National Assembly Select Committee on Health, Disaster, Refugees, and Humanitarian Relief revealed that low wages worsen the shortage of doctors and nurses in the Health Sector.

The Select Committee on Tuesday presented its report to the plenary.

The Committee went for an 8-day countrywide tour from June 29th to July 7th, 2022 where they visited 20 Health Facilities, Regional Health Directorates, and several disaster hotspots to inspect and get first-hand information as part of their oversight functions.Laying the report on behalf of the Chairperson, Hon. Abdoulie Ceesay, a member of the committee, said throughout their 8-day tour, they engaged Heads and Officials of the Health Institutions in a very fruitful and frank discussion.

“Inadequate well-trained or qualified Healthcare personnel, shortage of doctors and nurses was reported at all the Regional Health facilities. This situation was made worse by low wages, lack of proper accommodation and poor incentives, and Poor infrastructure and utility services. Most of the buildings in all Health facilities visited were dilapidated, and neglected for proper repair and maintenance. As a result, poor sewage drainage and other unhygienic conditions affect the general environment.

“Inadequate space and logistical support for extension services, congestion is common to most of the health facilities, especially for out-patient services. Some of the activities at these health facilities are conducted outside of the actual building due to inadequate space for staff and patients. Trekking teams are handicapped by lack of fuel for personnel using motorcycles and breakdown of vehicles,” Hon. Ceesay highlighted.He said the findings are adequately commented on and listed, followed by broad general recommendations.

“This process enabled the Committee to get vast information and facts that generated important findings. With these findings, the Committee was able to identify relevant progress and constraints; and made critical recommendations for the way forward. The majority of the findings for all stakeholders in these Health care facilities were similar in scope and relevant to their operations. The constraints and recommendations specific for each of the facilities toured by the Committee are elaborated and indicated at the end of each report on any given site visited,” he said.

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