‘Leaked letter’ suggests GPA to sponsor building a police station in Mankamang Kunda

Gambia Ports Authority is to finance the building of a police station at Mankamang Kunda, the native village of President Adama Barrow.

A leaked letter purportedly from GPA shows a request from Ports to Trust Bank Limited to transfer over half a million dalasis to a construction company for the work.

The GPA has ordered Trust Bank to pay a sum of Seven hundred and forty-four thousand dalasi for the 20% payment to the contractor, Bafaad Enterprise.

Kerr Fatou made attempts to reach the managing director of Ports, Ousman Jobarteh, through his mobile phone but he could not be reached.

Barrow was elected President of the Gambia in December 2016. He led Gambia’s first democratic transfer of power since independence in 1965.

Barrow won election on the backing of a coalition supported by seven political parties and 3 independent candidates.