Mayor Kanifing Municipality
The Kanifing Municipal Council [KMC] has submitted its 2022 budget to the Minister of Local Government and lands for his scrutiny.
“The General Council at its sitting of 9th September 2021, after review and adjustment has resolved for approval of the budget for fiscal year 2022. The Kanifing Municipal Council has now forwarded the budget for review and comments by the Hon. Minister of local governments and lands [Musa S. Drammeh] as provided by the Local Government Act 2002,” the Council said in a statement on 20th September.
The budget, according to the statement, captured the development projects, services and administrative expenditure costs of the Council, among others.
“The KMC budget for the year 2022 encapsulates all the development projects, services and administrative expenditure costs of the Council, as well as revenue generation and equitable distribution of council funds amongst various intervention areas for the coming year,” the Council added.
In a phone conversation with Kerr Fatou, Buba Sanyany, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Local Government and Lands acknowledged receipt of the KMC 2022 budget; and added that it is yet to undergo his ministry’s endorsement process.