In Memory of My Wife Maimuna Sey-Jawo

Maimuna Sey – Jawo

By Momodou Jawo

A few weeks ago, the 22nd of January to be specific, I lost my wife, and my daughters lost their mother to the cold and cruel hands of death. I am still struggling to deal with the rupture; accepting the finality of death. I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking my Maimuna will be next to me only to feel the cold space on the bed that used to be her side. 

The slow realization that I will never hear her breathing softly beside me is as painful as it is unbelievable. And that is because of what my Maimuna means to me. She is the epitome of a life partner; one I can count on through the hills and valleys of this life. Maimuna was a wife, a confidante, a mother, a companion and a friend. With her passing, I lost all that and more and my daughters lost all that and more. 

I met Maimuna in the line of work, when we were at an event in Basse. When she heard others mentioning my name, she complimented and encouraged me to keep writing. She was as graceful as she was beautiful and she carried herself with dignity and quite confidence. We didn’t see or speak for about a month after that initial meeting in Basse. 

Maimuna and I started talking again when a colleague posted about marriage on Facebook. When Maimuna teased me about not being married, I responded, with tongue in cheek, that I was waiting for her. And those words would prove to be fateful because a month later, I would call Maimuna my wife. At the time, what I didn’t know was that there were five other men who wanted her hand in marriage. You can imagine how lucky I felt when she chose me to be her husband. I had neither the wealth nor the name of some of the men who wanted her hand in marriage. But such is the purity of my Maimuna that what mattered more to her was where her heart takes her. And I had her heart. That was in 2015. She had been my angel since then. 

Maimuna and I travelled the road of marriage for eight solid years. I could not have asked for a better woman to have by my side. There were times when I wondered if I deserved such a wonderful partner because of her grace, mercy, empathy and kindness. Kindness not just to me, but to my family and friends. Maimuna loved me wholeheartedly and loved my family and friends. She encouraged me to higher heights and guided me when I faltered. I relied on my Maimuna. You can probably imagine how I felt as it begins to sink that my Maimuna is no more. Have faith, they tell me. Be strong, others say. Just pray for her, some encourage me. But I know no one can teach me how to live my life without Maimuna. A very solid part of me is gone and I feel terribly lost. 

I put my faith in Allah, He who brought Maimuna into my life. I take comfort in the fact that Maimuna and I crossed paths. I find solace in her memory; in what we shared; in our love; in the life we built together for eight years. I take refuge in the comfort of Allah and I pray for the Goodness of Allah to envelope her in Jannatul Firdaus. 

My Maimuna, until we meet again, I am sustained by the memories of your kindness, nourished by the love you gave me and grateful for the wonderful wife, friend and companion you were to me. 

My Maimuna, be assured that I will continue to take good care of our two lovely daughters. We all miss you and I am comforted in seeing you in them. 

May the Almighty Allah forgive your shortcomings and grant you the highest place in Aljanatul Firdawsi.

Your Love,

Momodou Jawo.