IEC Considers PPP Congress Fallout ‘Internal Matter’

Hon Fatoumata NJIE


By Buba Gagigo


The Independent Electoral Commission replied to Honourable Fatoumata [Touma] Njie’s letter regarding the fallout between her and colleagues at People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Congress in Brikamaba last month; saying they (IEC) cannot intervene because it is an internal matter.


“Sequel to your correspondence dated 1st, 3rd, 8th and 24th 2921. The commission notes the issue raised during the conduct of PPP Congress 2021 at Brikamaba, Central River Region. The commission wishes to inform you that the issues reported are an internal party matter and the IEC cannot intervene in this matter,” IEC’s response read.


Fatoumatta fondly called Touma Njie, is PPP’s National Assembly member for Banjul South. She contested the position of the Secretary General and Party Leader at the party’s congress last month in Brikamaba but got only 2 votes according to the election result. But left the congress ground prior to the voting after she claimed that some of the party delegates expecting to vote for her were barred from entry into the congress hall.


The development marked the beginning of a seemingly unending battle between her and the party, until she got expelled in a missive sent to her by the party stating that she has violated articles 32.2, 32.3, and 32.4 respectively of the PPP Constitution.