I Support The Judicial Officers Bill For These Reasons

Mail Ahmad Fatty, Party Leader Gambia Moral Congress

By Mai Ahmad Fatty

  1. It would promote the independence of the judiciary and facilitate robust dispensation of justice. I am for a strong, independent and impartial judiciary and this bill, in my view, will help strengthen that.
  2. Many people wrongly believe its ‘just’ about increasing the salaries of Judges because they did not bother to read what is written in the Bill. Many people rely on hear-say and misinformation. I encourage you to read the Bill first and understand it better, instead of relying on only social media.

The Bill is more about their pension rights and post retirement benefits, and that aspect is proper.

3. Supporting the Judicial bill does not mean that I don’t care about raising the salaries and benefits of lower income earners such as nurses, secutity officers, teachers, etc. That is not true about me. I have consistently advocated for salary increase for lower income earners such as teachers, nurses, security officers, drivers, secretaries, etc. They truly deserve equitable increase in salaries and benefits, urgently.


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