Head Of Spanish Diplomatic Mission In The Gambia Pays A Courtesy Call On ANM Ousainu Darboe

ANM Ousainu Darboe and Head of Spanish Diplomatic Mission in The Gambia

Press Release – April 2nd, 2024.

H.E. Violeta Insa Enai, Chargée d’Affaires and Head of the Spanish Diplomatic Mission in The Gambia paid a courtesy call on H.E. ANM Ousainu Darboe, today, 2nd April 2024 at his Kairaba Avenue office. H.E. Darboe was assisted by Lamin Manneh, Deputy Secretary for External Affairs and the Diaspora of the UDP.

H.E. Darboe and his guest reviewed several issues of common interest, ranging from European Union visa restrictions on The Gambia to the large Gambian Diaspora in Spain, Spanish assistance to The Gambia, women empowerment, the draft constitution, the FGM bill currently in the National Assembly etc.

Concerning the visa restrictions imposed on the country, H.E. Violeta Insa ENAI indicated that the EU could move towards easing the sanctions. H.E. Darboe welcomed that potential development.

During discussions on the Gambian Diaspora in Spain, the two parties considered how to further enhance their stay and integration in Spain. They also examined the possibility of issuing annual seasonal worker visas to Gambians during the summer months when there is a high demand for seasonal labour. Those seasonal Gambian workers and immigrants could be offered training in the agricultural, construction, auto mechanics, IT and solar industry sectors. Such training could facilitate the return of Gambians who might want to come back home and start their businesses. H.E. Darboe indicated that a UDP government would facilitate the reintegration of returnees and guarantee them a certain percentage of government contracts in their fields of competence.

H.E. Insa ENAI also mentioned the support of her Mission to certain local NGOs, particularly women-led NGOs, and H.E. Darboe promised to help the diplomat identify other similar NGOs.

Concerning the draft Constitution, H.E. Violeta Insa ENAI said that the international partners hope it will be tabled before the National Assembly this 2024 and proceed to a referendum before the end of the year. H.E. Darboe concurred and expounded on the numerous merits of the draft Constitution. He said once the draft clears the National Assembly hurdle, all the political parties of the country should go out and campaign for its adoption during a referendum.

The private-member FGM bill currently in the National Assembly was also discussed.

The seventy-minute meeting, which started at 10:30, was very cordial and fruitful. H.E. ANM Ousainu Darboe and H.E. Violeta Insa ENAI agreed to meet more often henceforth. The Spanish Diplomat took leave of her host at 11:40.

Lamin Manneh
Deputy Secretary for
External Affairs and the Diaspora

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