Guinean-Bissau National Describes Encounter with Gunman in Thursday Attack

Residents at the scene of the attempted shooting

By Landing Ceesay 

Mr. Ali Sidi, a Bissau Guinean businessman, recently faced a harrowing ordeal when he was allegedly targeted in an assassination attempt at his residence. 

In the early hours of Thursday, gunshots echoed from his home, alarming nearby residents.

Mr. Sidi promptly reported the incident to the Gambia Police Force (GPF) and the Gambia Armed Force (GAF). Authorities swiftly visited the scene to collect evidence and assess the situation.

Remarkably, Mr. Ali Sidi emerged unscathed from the encounter with the gunman. Speaking to Kerr Fatou, he recounted his battle to avoid being shot at all costs. The motive behind the attack remains unclear, but Mr. Sidi’s resilience ensured his safety.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and security measures, even within our own homes. 

“At around 9 am in the morning, I was alerted by my dog barking loudly outside. Curious, I stepped out to investigate but found nothing unusual. Satisfied, I returned indoors. However, around 10 am, my dog’s barking resumed, and I spotted an individual approaching with a gun in hand. Reacting quickly, I attempted to disarm him but was unsuccessful. Determined, I managed to remove the magazine from the gun and discarded it in an attempt to neutralize the threat.

“The assailant then attempted to retrieve the magazine and reattach it to the gun but struggled to do so. As people began to throw stones at him, he retreated to a nearby car and fled the scene. Our struggle lasted approximately four minutes before I successfully removed the magazine from the gun. The manner in which I subdued him was crucial, as it prevented him from shooting me. It’s my belief that his intention was to intimidate me into complying with his demands, likely seeking money or valuables from inside my home,” Mr. Sidi told this reporter.  

When asked if he had any prior dealings with the gunman or if he recognized his face, Mr. Ali Sidi affirmed that he had seen the individual before but couldn’t recall the specific time or place.

“I believe I’ve seen the faces of both the attacker and the individual in the vehicle on two or three occasions before, although I can’t recall exactly when or where. Yesterday, I noticed the same vehicle pass by me multiple times, but I was unaware of what was unfolding at the time,” Mr. Sidi told Kerr Fatou. 

Witnesses at the scene also detailed to Kerr Fatou what occurred, including individuals from the van that followed the gunman’s vehicle.

“As the gunman faced a hail of stones, he fled and sought refuge in a waiting BMW, where an accomplice awaited. Despite attempting to reload his gun, the assailant was thwarted by the onslaught of stones. The BMW then quickly sped away. However, a van driver pursued them until Jabang and managed to take note of their vehicle’s number plate,” An eyewitness told Kerr Fatou. 

Another eyewitness, who was a passenger in the van that chased the gunman, also provided Kerr Fatou with their account of what they observed during the incident.

“As the van pursued their vehicle to the Kairaba Avenue Traffic Lights, one of the individuals inside the van brandished a gun, prompting the nearby police to flee. This allowed them to bypass the police presence at the traffic light without interference,” an eyewitness told this reporter. 

Kerr Fatou also contacted the Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Binta Njie for comments and she confirmed the incident. 

“The Police are currently investigating the matter and we will provide further information. Right now what I can report is that the registration number of the vehicle the suspect used is already with us and it will help us in our investigation,” ASP Njie told Kerr Fatou. 

Kerr Fatou has been reliably informed that CCTV footage was retrieved from the nearby furniture shop by the Police for further investigation. 

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