The Gambia’s overwhelmed embraced found democracy, A country where just 45% of people have a form of formal education is no doubt in greater need of civic education into what true democracy is all about.

Two heartbreaking scenarios have left Gambians in a numb stage of critical thinking and security scrutiny.
A shop owner in brikama was stabbed over the refusal of his products to some men who came into his shop asking for it on credit. Musa Baldeh is currently in critical condition as the doctors try to save his life.

Another woman was tied up in her shop in kololi and left to die, first hand witnesses said the robbers left the place with most of the items she had on sale at the shop.

These alarming and frightened situations are raising the bar for crime and violence in the Gambia, which beckons to ask if everyone is safe? What is the security fraternity currently doing about this?