Gambians Mourn The Death Of US Ambassador Dawda Fadera

H.E Dawda Fadera Gambian Ambassador To US

By Buba Gagigo

Hundreds of Gambians within and out of the country took to social media to mourn the death of the Gambian Ambassador to the United States of America Dawda Fadera.

“Inna lillahi wa inna ilia hi raajioun 🥺🥺 Today The Gambia lost Her Ambassador to the US, and I lost a dear friend, my Kiangko is gone 😢 I was so looking forward to your next visit so I can make findo for you 🙂 May Jannatul Firdous be your final resting place 💔” Sibo Yaa wrote on Facebook

“This man is a success – who has lived well, laughed often and loved much, who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children, who has filled his niche and accomplished his task. Who leaves the world better than he found it, who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it, who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. We only have the memories to live with now. We don’t have the words to express our grief. I pray to God to bring peace and solace to your family at this time” Ismaila Fadera wrote on Facebook

Hatib Fadera also wrote on Facebook “Ambassador D. Fadera was a good soul, a man who dedicated his entire life to country and service to his people. He was loyal to the state and her people, and proudly served with distinction. As the Perm Sect. at the Personnel Management Office (PMO) under Jammeh, Dawda ensured the best were recruited into the civil service under a very hostile environment. During the political impasse, Dawda was the go-to by the Coalition partners, helping them form a decent government. He would spend just a year as Secretary General and Head of Civil Service before his deployment as The Gambian Ambassador to the United States. He was recently making headlines coordinating relief efforts and consoling a grieving Gambian community in Bronx, New York, following the inferno that killed 17 people of Gambian descents. Waking up to his sudden death in Banjul is devastating and unbelievable. This man was apolitical throughout his service. His tradecraft was solid. Dawda was also a great friend of Ambassador Paschall, and together, they used their friendship to strengthen Banjul-Washington ties. The Gambia has lost a great patriot. May Allah grant him Jannah”

“Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. Ambassador Fadera was indeed a good man…I worked with him briefly at the Statehouse when he was the SG, very incredible man walie…May Allah grant him Jannah, forgive his shortcomings and console his family🙏🏽🙏🏽” Dijah Jawo also wrote on Facebook

Ambassador Fadera served as first Secretary General and Head of Civil Service Office Of The President under the Barrow Government, prior Fadera worked at The Personnel Management Office where he rose to the ranks later becoming Permanent Secretary .