The Secretary General and Party Leader, Bakary Dabo,congratulates the Gambian people on the peaceful and orderly conduct of the recently held presidential elections. 

He further wishes to thank Gambia For All members and sympathisers for their active participation in the activities that led to this important national event. For, although our party did not put up a candidate, in light of the decision to endorse the candidacy of Mr. ANM Ousainou Darboe, candidate of the United Democratic Party, acting through the various party structures, our officials and party militants actively participated in the electioneering campaign side by side with the UDP.

We also wish to thank all the members, and supporters, both at home and in the diaspora who contributed funds in support of the party’s campaign activities.

The results of the elections, announced since then, have failed to meet our expectations; in point of fact, they raise questions that need further investigation and answers, as alluded to in the Interim Statement issued yesterday by Mr. Darboe acting in concert with two other candidates in the same election. Our party will allow that investigative process to be concluded before reaching a definitive position on the issue. But, in the absence of clear evidence compromising the integrity of the electoral process, our abiding position of principle remains to respect election results as representing the verdict of the people;and for any complaint or grievances, to only resort to the courts for redress.  

With the elections behind us, the Secretary General calls on all party members, especially officials, to refocus on party work forbuilding a strong, broad-based and credible party capable of participating actively in the political life of our country. A party capable of offering the Gambian people an enlightened, honest and experienced leadership, of the type, which they have been deprived of for so long. 

Long live GFA, the Party of the Bees!   Long Live The Gambia!

GFA Communication Cell (COMCELL)

December 6, 2021