FPAC Delays Approval of Sheikh Zayed Reports until Tuesday

Officials From Sheikh Zayed Regional Eye Care Center

By Ramatoulie Jawo

The Finance and Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly decided on Monday, February 5, 2024, to delay the approval of the activity reports and statements of the Sheikh Zayed Regional Eye Care Center for the period from 2006 to 2020 until Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

The center presented its activity reports and statements to the FPAC Committee on February 5th for consideration. During the session, FPAC members expressed concerns about various audit queries in the center’s reports and requested relevant supporting documents, including payment vouchers, to verify the financial transactions.

After thorough deliberation, Hon. Kebba Lang Fofana, a committee member standing in for the Chairperson, announced that the committee had decided to defer the adoption of the center’s report. The deferral was attributed to unclear explanations of some queries, particularly those related to the former CEO.

Fofana explained that the committee resolved to engage with the board further and urged them to summon the ex-CEO for an appearance on Tuesday, February 6th, to continue the consideration.

“It is the decision of the committee that we defer the adoptions of the accounts of SZRECC for the years ended 31st December 2006 to 31st December 2020 till tomorrow, commencing at 12:30. This is based on the fact that so many findings have been centered around the ex-CEO and the committee needs additional information to make some immediate decisions with regard to that,” he said.

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