Former MP Calls On Politicians To Desist From Negative Commentary 

Omar Ceesay, former NAM, Niamina East Constituency

By Fatou Sillah 

Omar Ceesay, the former National Assembly member for Niamina East Constituency, has called on politicians to stop making negative comments about each other.

“In the field of political discourse, politicians should safeguard their utterances in the best way possible to avoid any form of pre, during, or post-election conflict amongst ourselves. Based on my observations, the increasingly unpleasant political commentaries emerging from certain politicians during this critical campaign period are unnecessary and should be treated as such,” he said 

Omar Ceesay also called on the Independent Electoral Commission and other stakeholders to promote peace.

“It’s prudent to call on the IEC, CSOs, activists, and other stakeholders to preach and encourage political candidates and their supporters to desist from such comments irrespective of their political affiliations. 

“Therefore, it’s advisable for candidates and their supporters to better involve themselves in activities of progressive political discourse instead of naming-calling, and character assassination, amongst others negatively that could jeopardize our peace and tranquility,” He urged.

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