First Lady Of Sierra Leone Appointed UNITAR Board Member

EwsHer Excellency Fatima Maada Bio
 First Lady of Sierra Leone
 (Photo: First Lady’s Facebook)

By Landing Ceesay

Her Excellency Fatima Maada Bio, First Lady of Sierra Leone has been appointed to serve a two-year term as a member of the Advisory Board of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) division for Multilateral Diplomacy.

“The primary purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide guidance and leadership that would enable the Division to deliver on its mandate and overcome the major multilateral challenges facing the United Nations. The Advisory Board will also provide critical analysis of the activities of the Division for Multilateral Diplomacy to ensure the respect of quality standards in compliance with the UNITAR mandate and UN guidelines” UNITAR said in a statement.

The First Lady who is honoured by the appointment assured to work effectively with other members of the board towards achieving the goals of UNITAR.

“The President and First Lady have worked strategically towards making Sierra Leone a major player in the international community at all levels. Sustainable development strategy must take Globalisation into consideration. The governments’ strategy of placing Sierra Leone as a major player on the global stage has led to recognition within the MANO River Union, West Africa, the African Union and the world at large.

“The First Lady in promoting the “Hands off our Girls” campaign, made it clear that it was not just to solve the problem in Sierra Leone, but an international movement with a flexible template that could be domesticated in different communities around the world,” Fatima Maada Bio stated on her official Facebook page.

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a dedicated training arm of the United Nations system that provides training and capacity development activities to assist mainly developing countries with special attention to the Least Developed Countries (LCDs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and other groups and communities that are most vulnerable, including those in conflict situations.