Fire Ravage Whole House In Mandinari, Displaces Inhabitants

Monday Fire Incident In Mandinari

By Landing Ceesay

A fire outbreak ravaged a whole house in Mandinaring village and displaced inhabitants.

“I was not here when the fire started but the eyewitnesses said that the fire started from the meter. I was at the school when I received a call that there is a fire outbreak in my compound. So I rushed here and found that the fire burnt down almost everything in the house. Thanks to my neighbours otherwise the small things that are out would all be burnt. But they tried a lot to make sure that some of our belongings are in the safe hand. I am thanking them a lot for their efforts.

“The fire burnt down a lot of materials in the house especially the time it got more power. The fire burnt down my refrigerators, TV sets, beds and almost all our clothes inside. So the materials that are not burnt by the fire are very small. Even those small materials not all of them will be useful again because some of them are partly burnt and some are almost fully burnt down. Right now I am thinking about how to replace these materials burnt to ashes by the fire,” Lamin Fatajo, the owner of the compound told Kerr Fatou.

Mr Fatajo called on Gambians and none Gambians to help him replace lost items. He said whether they NGOs, Government Institutions or even philanthropists to come and help him.

The Fire Outbreak is said to have started at around 4 p.m. But there were no casualties.