Film on Jammeh’s ouster to be premiered in London

Yahya Jammeh who now lives in exile in Equatorial Guinea faces several allegations of torture, killings and theft of public funds. 

Gambia’s former president Yahya Jammeh who now lives in exile in Equatorial Guinea.

A film done by an international human rights group, Amnesty International, on how Gambians ousted former tyrant Yahya Jammeh will be premiered in London on Monday August 13, 2018.

We Never Gave Up: Stories of Courage in Gambia was produced by Louise Hunt and Jason Fabio for international rights group, Amnesty International.

The thirty minutes documentary highlights the testimony of human rights defenders who took a fight to Jammeh during his era, stated the website promoting the event.

The film describes their fears, theirs frustrations and their motivations.

We Never Gave Up: Stories of Courage in Gambia

“This story of Gambian HRDs is a story of courage, story of resistance, a story of brave people that firmly believe in human rights and that are able to fight and risk their lives for them,” the website promoting the event wrote.

The screening of the documentary will be followed by a Q&A session with experts including Amnesty International’s West Africa researcher Sabrina Mahtani, filmmaker Louise Hunt, Gambian activist Yusef Taylor of UK Gambia and chaired by Amnesty International’s Deputy Director of Global Issues and Head of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Makmid Kamara.

Jammeh may have left office over a year now but news around him continues to develop every now and then.

He has made headlines in Gambia recently after he was heard in a leaked tape talking of staging a comeback to the country he ruled for over two decades.

His mothers’ death in exile and her subsequent repatriation to the Gambia for burial has also dominated local media in the past week.