Fatal Shooting Of Police Officers At Sukuta Traffic Light Junction

Emmanuel Daniel Joof, Chairman National Human Rights Commission

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is deeply saddened by the news of the shooting and death of two police officers by an unknown gunman. According to reports, another Police Officer was seriously injured and is currently in critical condition. The incident is as unfortunate as it is cowardly and totally condemnable.
The Gambia Police Force and all other security and law enforcement agencies are responsible for the maintenance of public order, peace and security in the country. In the exercise of this national duty, these officers face dangers to their own lives and safety but persevere nonetheless to ensure individuals and properties are safe and protected. On some occasions, they pay the ultimate price with their own lives in carrying out this duty.
The Commission condemns in the strongest terms the deadly attack on the Police Officers. This act is cowardly, reprehensible, and criminal. We urge the Gambia Police Force and other law enforcement agencies to work together to find the culprit and bring them to book as soon as possible. We equally call on the public to volunteer any information to the Police that could facilitate the apprehension of the shooter.
We wish to reiterate that The Gambia is a country governed by laws, and no one has the right whatsoever to extra-judicially take the life of another person. Law enforcers, like civilians, have fundamental human rights and freedoms guaranteed and protected by the Constitution. These rights, such as the right to life, personal security and liberty, and protection against violence are sacrosanct and should be upheld by all as guaranteed by the 1997 Constitution of the Republic.
We extend our deepest condolence and prayers to the families of the deceased officers and the Inspector General of Police and wish the injured Police Officer a speedy and full recovery.
Let Justice guide our action.
Emmanuel D. Joof CHAIRPERSON

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