EFSCRJ: We Call For Accountable Leadership And Good Governance

EFSCRJ Marks January 19

Today, January 19 marks the 8th anniversary of the swearing-in of Pres. Adama Barrow at the Gambian embassy in Dakar in 2017. This historic ceremony had to take place outside the borders of the Gambia simply because of the recalcitrance of Tyrant Yaya Jammeh who has refused to hand over power after losing the 1stDecember 2016 presidential elections. For that matter, in his swearing-in speech in Dakar Barrow noted that, “This is a day no Gambian will ever forget in a lifetime.” 

On this day, Pres. Barrow promised Gambians a new era of democratic governance in which adherence to the rule of law and democratic principles and the pursuit of the best interest of the nation will guide him and his Government. A few hours after Barrow was sworn-in ECOMIG forces invaded the territory of the Gambia to forcefully remove Yaya Jammeh thereby imposing the will of Gambians to prevail. Barrow’s swearing-in as president was the first time Gambians have changed political power through elections.

Eight years today, EFSCRJ notes with grave concern the trajectory that Barrow and his Government has since taken, which is characterized by effectively reneging on his promises which he made in his 2016 Manifesto and in the 2016 Coalition MoU and as President since then. We are concerned that not only has he failed to effectively conduct and conclude comprehensive constitutional, legal, and institutional reforms, but Barrow is slowly but steadily reversing the country back to the path of Dictatorship, political deception, and patronage. 

By still maintaining the 1997 Constitution after stifling the 2020 Draft Constitution, and by forming an alliance with the APRC and further bringing back key Dictatorship Enablers into the Cabinet and the National Assembly as Speaker and Deputy Speaker, Barrow has effectively stalled the democratic transformation that the country yearned for in 2017. As a result of the abandonment of his promises and the aspirations of Gambian people, there is an increased incidence of corruption and abuse of power within his Government leading to further denial or violations of the civil, political, economic and social rights of citizens. For this reason, poverty, high cost of living, poor social services, unemployment, limited opportunities, hopelessness, and deprivation continue to spread and deepen across the Gambian society. 

Therefore, on this day, EFSCRJ makes the urgent call on Barrow to demonstrate effective and accountable leadership by reversing the deplorable path in which the 

country is sliding. For this reason, we demand the following from President Adama Barrow:

1.     To uphold his oath of office to ensure the full and uncompromising adherence to the rule of law by public institutions and officials. 

2.     To immediately combat the uncontrolled corruption in his Government by enforcing the laws on graft and prosecute perpetrators.

3.     To ensure the effective performance of public institutions and officials to ensure efficient delivery of affordable social services.

4.     To end the weaponization of laws and institutions against fundamental rights and freedoms.

5.     To reverse the rampant mismanagement of public resources on frivolous purchase of vehicles, furniture, ceremonies, travel and entertainment by public institutions and officials.

6.     To put an immediate stop to encroachments on forests, wetlands, and all our natural habitats and also end the illegal allocations of state lands to public officials, private individuals and businesses.

7.     To stop and reverse his current trajectory of divisive politics and threats against political opponents, critics, journalists, and activists but to seek and secure the unity, peace and stability of this country. 

In a nutshell, EFSCRJ demands that Pres. Barrow demonstrates utmost political will and commitment to transparency and accountability to ensure the full protection and promotion of the national interest. 

We call on all citizens, CSOs, political parties, communities and indeed all stakeholders to exercise their full rights and duties in demanding accountable leadership and good governance in the Gambia.

Above all, we demand Pres. Barrow to undertake a legitimate national process in writing a new constitution for the country and refrain from seeking a third term in office in 2026.

In the Spirit of Edward Francis Small, For The Gambia Our Homeland

2025: The Year of Transparency and Accountability

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