Branded NPP Vehicle Allegedly Obstructs Faal’s Campaign Team

The PIU officers and Team Faal addressing the matter
Photo: Team Essa Mbaye Faal

By Landing Ceesay 

A branded NPP vehicle allegedly obstructed the movement of the campaign team of independent presidential candidate Essa Mbye Faal.  

The team on Monday alleged that the said vehicle with registration number BJL 1455 W had obstructed their campaign team for two days in the URR. 

“An NPP branded vehicle with a registration number BJL 1455 W  was stalking and obstructing the Team Essa Mbye Faal Campaign Team for two days. The Police Intervention Unit attached to Essa Mbye Faal finally stopped him and was seriously warned. The incident took place around Nafugan Jobel in the URR. We thank the Police for taking action,” Essa Mbye Faal commented on Facebook page. 

The PIU officers and Team Faal addressing the matter
Photo: Team Essa Mbaye Faal

The Independent Candidate, Faal would on December 4, lock horns with the incumbent President Adama Barrow of NPP; Abdoulie Ebrima Jammeh, of the National Unity Party  (NUP); Lawyer Ousainu ANM Darboe of UDP, Halifa Sallah of PDOIS, and Mama Kandeh of GDC.