By Landing Ceesay
Amet Sarr, a 29-year-old resident of Bakau in the Kanifing Municipality (KM), has pleaded guilty to theft at both the AMM Financial Bureau and Sunrise GSM, located in Westfield.
Sarr faced two charges of stealing, in violation of section 252 of the Criminal Code Volume 3, Laws of The Gambia 2009.
The Inspector General of Police alleges that on July 15, 2024, Amet Sarr stole Eighty-five Thousand Dalasis (D85,000.00) from the AMM Financial Bureau in Westfield, Kanifing Municipality, committing an offense under Gambian law.
The second charge of theft also falls under section 252 of the Criminal Code Volume 3, Laws of The Gambia 2009. The Inspector General of Police alleged that on July 12, 2024, at SUNRISE GSM in Westfield, Kanifing Municipality, Sarr stole a black bag containing Thirty-three Thousand Three Hundred Dalasis (D33,300), One Hundred and Fifty Euros (€150) equivalent to Eleven Thousand One Hundred Dalasis (D11,100), One Hundred Dollars ($100) equivalent to Seven Thousand Four Hundred Dalasis (D7,400), and Two Hundred and Fifty-five Thousand CFA (CFA 255,000) equivalent to Twenty Nine Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty-Five Dalasis (D29,325).
During the court session, Corporal Nuha Bojang, representing the Inspector General of Police, presented the details of the crimes before Magistrate Thomasi Touray at the Kanifing Magistrate’s Court. Corporal Bojang explained the sequence of events, the items stolen, and the police investigation.
“On the 12th of July 2024, the accused (Amet Sarr) went to Sunrise GSM located at Westfield, where he found the victim (Muhammed Trawally) and several other people. While the victim was bargaining with the shop attendant, he placed his black bag on the floor beside the counter. The accused, Amet Sarr, suddenly sneaked in and stole the bag. Before Muhammed Trawally could notice, the accused had left with the bag with the following items; Money in the sum of Thirty-three Thousand, Three Hundred Dalasis (33,300.00); One Hundred and Fifty Euros (€150), equivalent to Eleven Thousand, One Hundred Dalasis (D11, 100.00); One Hundred Dollars ($100), equivalent to Seven Thousand, Four Hundred Dalasis (D7,400.00); Two Hundred and Fifty-five Thousand CFA (CFA 255,000.00), equivalent to Twenty Nine Thousand, Three Hundred and Twenty-Five Dalasis (29,325.00) 29; One Power Bank, valued at Five Thousand, Five Hundred Dalasis (D5,500.00); Two Flash Drives each valued at Two Hundred and Fifty Dalasis (D250). The total value is Eighty Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Dalasis (D82,900.00) and several other documents,” Corporal Bojang told the court.
Corporal Bojang testified in court that Amet Sarr managed to escape the scene, prompting a complaint to be filed at the Serekunda West Police Station.
He further reported that during the investigation, CCTV footage was recovered and analyzed. The footage contained multiple images of Amet Sarr, capturing him from various angles as he entered the shop, took the bag, and exited.
“The pictures and videos also showed the accused (Amet Sarr) and the victim (Muhammed Trawally). The victim was facing the counter, and the accused was vividly identified in the footage. Your worship, we have the pictures and the videos extracted from the CCTV. Since then, the Police have had to find the accused person (Amet Sarr).
“Two days after the Sunrise GSM incident, on the 15th of July 2024, the accused (Amet Sarr) went to AMM Financial Bureau at Westfield entered that bureau, and took money in the sum of Eighty-five Thousand Dalasis (D85,000.00). Before he could leave, one Sainabou Manneh, a bureau attendant, saw him, grabbed him and shouted for help. Several people came to her aid and the said case was reported to Serekunda West Police Station,” Corporal Bojang said.
Corporal Bojang told the court that during their investigation, the accused was identified as Amet Sarr of Bakau, and after several reviews of the CCTV footage, he was recognized as the same culprit at the Sunrise GSM incident.
“Your Worship, without delay he (Amet Sarr) accepted the crimes and led Investigators to several recoveries,” Corporal Bojang told the court.
Corporal Bojang informed the court about the clothing worn by Amet Sarr on July 12, 2024, at Sunrise GSM.
He also reported to the court that the stolen bag belonging to the victim, Muhammed Trawally, had been recovered. However, he noted that the contents of the bag, including the money, had been disposed of at the time of his report.
“Your Worship during the investigation, it was also discovered during the incidents on both the 12th and 15th of July 2024, that he (Amet Sarr) had a motorcycle that he used to easily facilitate these activities. Your Worship, especially on the 12th of July 2024 when he took the bag, it was revealed that he used the motorcycle, to fleet the scene and that he was so quick to disappear,” Corporal Bojang submitted.
Corporal Bojang then applied to tender the Recovered Items including Amet Sarr’s clothes a shirt and trousers he wore on the 12th of July 2024 at Sunrise GSM, the 9 photos extracted from the CCTV footage, a flash drives containing the CCTV footage, the black bag, and the motorcycle he used during the operations to be admitted into evidence and mark as exhibits.
Corporal Bojang also applied to tender the cautionary and voluntary statements of Amet Sarr.
Magistrate Touray then ordered the 9 pictures extracted from the CCTV footage to be shown to Amet Sarr for confirmation.
The accused then confirmed to the court that he was the one in the 9 pictures extracted from the CCTV footage inside Sunrise GSM.
When the Magistrate asked the accused whether he was the owner of the motorcycle brought to the court by the Police, Amet Sarr responded affirmatively.
“I used this motorcycle because my father is sick, and we took him to Cassamance for treatment. We are charged with huge amount of money, that’s why I use the motorcycle,” Amet Sarr told the court.
The Magistrate Touray then collectively admitted the recovered items into evidence. The items were marked as exhibits from A to F.
“Your Worship, the Eighty Five Thousand Dalasis (D85,000.00) from AMM Financial Bureau, was recovered from the accused (Amet Sarr) at the Serekunda West Police Station. The said money was entrusted back to the complainant, Amadou Jallow. This was following their appeal that it was their daily sales. Your worship, that would be the end of the fact,” Corporal Bojang submitted.
Magistrate Touray then asked Amet Sarr whether he accepted the charges and facts presented in court by Corporal Bojang, and he accepted the charges and facts.
“All that the Police said to the court is true,” Amet Sarr told the court.
Magistrate Touray then adjourned the case to the 7th of July 2024 for judgment.