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Ahmadiyya Jama’at Advocates for Peace and Justice at the 2024 Jalsa Salana

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Amir Baba F. Trawally of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the Gambia

By Landing Ceesay 

The Amir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the Gambia, Baba F. Trawally, made a global call for peace and justice during the 2024 Jalsa Salana held at Nusrat Senior Secondary School.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the Gambia celebrated its 46th Jalsa Salana this year. The theme, “Global Crisis and the Pathway to Peace,” underscores the community’s dedication to addressing global challenges through peaceful solutions.

This event brought together the Amir and members from various regions of the country, fostering unity and a shared sense of purpose.

Jalsa Salana, the annual formal assembly of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, was established by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who claimed to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. The gathering not only has spiritual significance but also honors outstanding students from institutions such as the University of the Gambia, Nusrat Senior Secondary School, and Masroor Upper and Senior Secondary School.

In his address, Amir Baba F. Trawally highlighted the urgent need for global peace, reflecting the community’s commitment to fostering harmony for future generations.

“As the theme of this year’s Jalsa Salana is GLOBAL CRISIS AND THE PATHWAY TO PEACE. It is our collective responsibilities as individuals and as a nation to champion the cause of peace not only in our country but the sub-region and the world at large. The government, religious leaders, community heads, family heads, the youth, and young people should all push for peace to always reign in the world and build a better future, a future that is full of hope and promise for this generation and the coming generation,” Amir Trawally said. 

The Amir also stressed the critical role of justice in maintaining peace. He highlighted Allah’s teachings on creating a just and peaceful society:

“There can be no peace without justice, that is why Allah Almighty admonished us in the Holy Quran to act justly no matter how difficult it may be: Allah says in the Holy Quran: O ye who believe! Be strict in observing justice, and be witnesses for Allah, even though it is against yourselves or against parents and kindred. (An Nisa Chapter 4 Verse 136). In another place in the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do. (Al Mai’dah Chapter 5 Verse 9). 

“We can see that Allah Almighty has placed a lot of emphasis on Justice, and it is because of this lack of justice that the world is facing a lot of problems and people are suffering in many parts of the world. If there is justice and people are treated justly, then we will all live in harmony and peace. We should all live by and be just in all our dealings at every level of society, and when that is done, we will surely see the progress we can make. May Allah Almighty make this easy for us,” Amir Trawally narrated. 

Hon. Ebrima Sillah, Minister of Transportation, Works, and Infrastructure, acknowledged the Ahmadiyya community’s invaluable contributions to Gambia’s development.

“Mr. Amir let me convey to you and through you, to His Holiness, the Supreme Leader of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmed, the 5th Khalifa of the Jamaat, of The Gambia Government’s profound appreciation of your active participation as well as your efforts aimed at enhancing the transformational development of The Gambia. 

“The numerous schools, health facilities, and now, agricultural projects that the Jamaat is actively involved in is ample testimony of your excellent work in the development activities of The Gambia. We recognize and deeply appreciate the Jammat’s tireless efforts in words and in action to preach and promote peaceful coexistence, religious tolerance, and harmony. Your mantra “Love for All; Hatred for None” is a strong, noble virtue that The Gambia is also passionate about in making our world a much safer place for humanity,” Hon. Sillah said. 

Hon. Sillah stated that this year’s Jalsa is being convened at a time when the World is grappling with the scourges of brutal aggression being visited on defenseless Palestinians by Israel with all its hallmarks of uncontrolled mayhem, killings, destruction, and the dehumanization and displacements of innocent Palestinians from their homes and from their land. 

Hon. Sillah remarked that this year’s Jalsa comes at a time when the world is witnessing brutal aggression against defenseless Palestinians by Israel, marked by mayhem, killings, destruction, and the dehumanization and displacement of innocent Palestinians.

Hon. Sillah noted the efforts of Ahmadiyya Muslims in Palestine, seen on MTA Worldwide Television, to bring together Muslims and Jews in Gaza to foster tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

“These are tough times for the world. While it may be true that certain things happening in Palestine and conflict-ridden Muslim regions around the world are out of our control, it is important to note that there is still greater opportunity out there as Muslims to promote religious harmony and peaceful coexistence to engender global peace. To their credit, I have to applaud the Jamaat for its profound and significant contribution to peace-building and global harmony. 

“As a country, our most priced commodity is the distinguished recognition of The Gambia as the smiling coast of Africa. This should be cherished and protected at all costs. All throughout history, nations that thrive and prosper consistently and sustainably, recognize and value the fundamental right of others to practice their beliefs without fear of prejudice and persecution,” he said. 

The Jalsa typically spans three days, commencing on Friday following the Friday Sermon and marked by a ceremonial flag hoisting. While an international Jalsa attracts Ahmadis worldwide, many countries host their national Jalsa, sometimes graced by Khalifatul Masih.

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