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Abubakary Jawara : I have instructed my solicitors to commence legal action against certain key individuals




Abubakary Jawara




My attention has been drawn to a number of libellous social media posts, news website articles and slanderous voice notes being propagated by a number of individuals purportedly linking me to one Banta Keita and to the recent drug seizure at the Banjul port. These posts which are similar in nature and appear coordinated have negatively impacted my family, my reputation and my business. It is baffling how individuals without any proof whatsoever will choose to spread such damaging falsehoods. These statements are pure conjecture and the individuals spreading them know or have cause to know that the information is not true.
To be clear, I do not know the said Banta Keita, I have never met him and at no point have I been associated with him. Furthermore, I have no connection to the drugs alleged to have been imported into the country and discovered on the 8th of January 2021. The above statements by these individuals are not only unfounded and untrue but are pure machinations aimed at causing damage to my reputation. For a number of years now I have been the subject of social media fabrications aimed at damaging my reputation. I have for so long remained silent and taken the high road but this has to end at some point. The freedom of speech we have gained by virtue of this new found democracy should be used to build and develop this nation rather than for peddling unfounded and damaging stories without a care for the real people these stories hurt.

All individuals bent on spreading falsehoods against my person are hereby warned to cease and desist from these ill-intentioned acts. Henceforth I shall not hesitate to utilise all resources at my disposal to ensure that my rights are protected under the law and that the said individuals who create, post and share unfounded information about me are made to answer before our law courts. Thankfully our laws protect against defamation and individuals found wanting by the Courts are liable to pay very considerable financial compensation and punitive damages to the victims of their false statements. I have today, Wednesday the 27th of January 2021, instructed my Solicitors to commence legal action against certain key individuals most responsible for the propagation of these unfounded statements.
In this day and age of social media it is easy to rattle away at our keyboards and phone screens without pausing to think of the real people, families, men, women, children and businesses who suffer the negative effects of our posts, comments and voice notes. Let us all be civil in our interactions and be mindful of our words as although they may be short and easy to utter their effects can be far reaching and damaging.

Abubakary Jawara 27th of January 2021

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