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Transfer Of Unqualified Governors To Deputy Permanent Secretaries Also Unlawful

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Yankuba Darboe, Chairman, Brikama Area Council

By Yankuba Darboe, Chairman Brikama Area Council

The issues of the transferred governors of West Coast Region, LRR, CRR, URR, NBR and their deputies, were taken to court by UDP, because of the fact that they were never civil servants or senior civil servants prior to their appointments as Governors. After realising that fact, the government of President Adama Barrow last week, transferred them to become Deputy Permanent Secretaries at various Ministries. In essence this people were appointed civil servants over night and promoted to almost heads of civil service over night!

Does this government of Adama Barrow think that this country is Barrow Kunda or it is a country without laws. If not what makes them think they can appoint anybody into the civil service and promote over night without following any lawful processes in place, to ensure competency and fairness to all.

Thus how could they not have known that the transfer of this bunch of unqualified senior civil servants into the civil service of this country is in itself unlawful and their promotions to the ranks of Deputy Permanent Secretaries over night even worst. Their transfers to those posts were unlawful because they were never working lawfully at those levels in the civil service prior, and their promotions to those posts over night is unlawful as the current senior civil servants and Directors at various departments were bypassed for such promotions, without any justification or merits. Some of these new DPSs, only god knows their qualifications.

It seems this Barrow government is going rogue, as far as adherence to the laws and regulations and civil service codes is concerned.

New court case should be mounted against this madness and disregard for the rules of procedure and good governance!

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