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US and MoHERST To Collaborate On Curriculum Development and Teacher Education

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Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Professor Pierre Gomez & The Visiting Delegation

The Honourable Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Professor Pierre Gomez, on Monday, 23rd October 2023, received in audience the Ambassador of U.S. Embassy Banjul, The Gambia, Her Excellency Sharon L. Cromer and the USAID Gambia Programme Manager, Ms Mariama Janneh to Collaborate on Curriculum Development and Teacher Education.

During the meeting the Honourable Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Professor Pierre Gomez, expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the visit of Ambassador Sharon L. Cromer and explained the ongoing activities of the Ministry’s transformation agenda, with a particular focus on the transformative works at the University of Applied Science, Engineering, and Technology (USET). 

Honourable Gomez pointed out that having the engineering courses taught in The Gambia and producing home-trained engineers for the first time is the right step towards ensuring self-sufficiency. 

He informed the US Ambassador that USET had worked with an expert from the US earlier this year. This was quite productive for the College of Science and Engineering of USET, and consider it fulfilling to continue the collaboration. He highlighted the various courses currently offered at the new University and disclosed plans to offer courses in Chemical Engineering as part of the Master Plan. 

Regarding teacher training, the Hon. Minister updated Her Excellency, the Ambassador, that the Ministry has set up a committee to oversee the transformation of Gambia College into an Education University, in which UTG School of Education will be integrated. Accordingly, the Gambia College School of Agriculture will be integrated into the School of Agriculture of The University of The Gambia. He confirmed that MOHERST will streamline the study programmes and review the capacity to ensure that facilities are available for teacher training to support high-quality teacher professionalism in The Gambia. 

Finally, Minister Gomez spoke about the two TVET models established nationwide. He also reported that the Ministry has plans to enrol students from the Madrassa to be part of the TVET system. This, Hon. Minister Prof Gomez emphasised, will be crucial in providing them with skills that can afford them jobs upon graduation.

The United States Ambassador to The Gambia, Her Excellency Sharon L. Cromer, buttressed the relevance of digital literacy, which she emphasised can help provide jobs for young people. She advised MOHERST to help address the foundational skills gaps in teacher education to ensure the sustainability of quality education. 

Ambassador Sharon L. Cromer assured the Honourable Minister that she would engage the United States Government to assist The Gambia’s tertiary and higher education system.

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